Information and Knowledge Society

Els partits contraris a la secessió després de les secessions exitoses a Europa en el període 1900-2020. (Articulació política i posicionament ètnic de les noves minories després de la secessió)

Doctoral Programme in Information and Knowledge Society
Author: Josep Ferrés Corominas
Programme: Doctoral Programme in Information and Knowledge Society
Idioma: Catalan
Supervision: Ivan Serrano
Faculty / Institute: Doctoral School UOC
Subjects: Politics
Key words: Secession, Minorities, Ethnicism, Unionism
Area of knowledge: Information and Knowledge Society
This thesis studies the electoral evolution and ethnic positioning of parties that opposed secession in Europe between 1900 and 2020, a period when successful secessions led to the creation of new democratic states. Through a staged analytical methodology, it identifies cases where political opposition to secession existed and concludes that the existence of parties opposing secession is related to the ethnic homogeneity of the secessionist region. In cases where such parties exist, they were predominantly ethnic parties. Various exit strategies are described for these parties (prohibition, disappearance for other reasons, continuity and transformation, and continuation of activity in other territorial entities). Although not a sole determining factor, the institutional inclusiveness of new states encourages the abandonment of ethnic positioning by parties opposed to secession or their successors, which adopt different electoral strategies with a reduced focus on ethnicity.