Showcase of doctoral theses

Doctoral Programme in Law and Political Science
Author: Pablo Romero Seseña
Programme: Doctoral Programme in Law and Political Science
Language: Spanish
Supervision: Josep Tamarit, Marc Balcells
Faculty / Institute: Doctoral School UOC
Subjects: Law
Key words: Restorative justice, ICT, Accessibility, Online communication, Facilitators, Victims
Area of knowledge: Law and Political Science
This doctoral thesis addresses the use of the online environment in restorative justice, emphasizing its historical challenge and its connection with face-to-face restorative practices. Stemming from the transition process prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic towards the use of online tools in restorative justice services, this research focuses on gathering information about the implementation of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in restorative mediation processes. It explores their impact on these processes, as well as the degree of applicability and usability according to the perception of facilitators. Objective results and subjective experiences are evaluated in three major case studies (Navarra, Euskadi, and Catalonia) using a qualitative methodology based on in-depth interviews with these professionals. Findings suggest that ICT complement, rather than replace, face-to-face restorative justice, improving accessibility and the communicative process. Pioneering in this field, the research contributes to understanding the impact of technological solutions in restorative justice and promotes more efficient, innovative, and tailored services to the needs of contemporary society.