Humanities and Communication

Más allá de la audimetría tradicional. El éxito del contenido audiovisual en SVOD y la popularidad global como nuevo paradigma

Doctoral Programme in Arts and Humanities
Author: Elena Neira
Programme: Doctoral Programme in Arts and Humanities
Language: Spanish
Supervision: Judith Clares-Gavilán, Jordi Sánchez-Navarro
Faculty / Institute: Doctoral School UOC
Subjects: Communication
Key words: Streaming, Success, Audiences, Popularity, SVOD, Netflix, KPI
Area of knowledge: Arts and Humanities
This thesis, presented as a compilation of publications, aims to address how subscription-based streaming platforms (SVOD) measure the success of audiovisual content. This inquiry is situated within the broader theme of how these services comprehend their audiences. The research combines qualitative and quantitative research techniques, with a particular emphasis on the case study method, and is structured around several objectives. Firstly, it seeks to enumerate the elements that should be included in a concept of audience adapted to the reality of SVOD consumption. Additionally, it aims to establish appropriate parameters for evaluating the success of content distributed on SVOD platforms, while also analyzing other factors contributing to its success, such as the global distribution of content (given the worldwide presence of major market players) and its influence on audience design and prototyping. The research conducted, as manifested in the publications in the compilation, leads to a concept of audience in SVOD ecosystems and enumerates indicators that are suitable for evaluating whether content has been successful on subscription-based platforms. These indicators include active choice and viewing intensity, the effectiveness of algorithmic recommendations, content popularity, its impact on other digital sharing spaces, and how it serves overall business objectives. The research also enables conclusions regarding how the mutability of the field of study, variability in business models, and diverse business objectives hinder the establishment of a universal metric or set of metrics for measuring success based on the described parameters. This perpetuates the current imbalance among the various parties involved in direct-to-consumer distribution: creators, producers, and platforms. All of the above justifies the need for greater transparency regarding program performance from the streaming platform sector and the promotion of collective formulas for audience data reporting.