Author: Luca Dal Pubel
Programme: Doctoral Programme in Information and Knowledge Society
Language: Catalan
Supervision: Aura Ester Vilalta Nicuesa
Faculty / Institute: Doctoral School UOC
Subjects: Law
Key words: Information and communication technology, Alternative dispute resolution, Online dispute resolution, Law, Consumer protection, E-commerce
Area of knowledge: Information and Knowledge Society
The rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ITC) and the Internet have enormously impacted our society, with positive and negative effects on our civilization. This information and communication technology revolution has affected governments, economies, communication, and transportation. This thesis investigates and discusses ICTs and the Internet’s role in Access to Justice (A2J). It will analyze the various systems of remedies available to consumers and address the lack of regulations in cross-border e-commerce Business-to-Consumer (B2C) transactions. Additionally, this study will critically explore the use of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) mechanisms. It will investigate whether ODR helps increase consumer trust in Electronic Commerce (e-commerce) and facilitate the resolution of low-value, high-volume cross-border B2C e-commerce disputes, specifically Business-to-Business-to-Consumer (B2B2C) disputes. Finally, this thesis will claim that the success of ODR processes in B2C cross-border e-commerce disputes depends on transparent, efficient, secure, assurance, and fair redress mechanisms that respect consumers’ different dispute resolution needs.