The UOC’s institutional repository fosters open access to scientific information and educational resources, giving them wider reach and greater impact.
View all the UOC open access publications and learning resources
Scientific publications
These publications stem from research projects conducted by the university's academic and research staff.
Almost 50% of original articles by UOC researchers have been published in open access journals or an APC has been paid so that they are available in open access.

Network and information technologies

Doctoral theses
77% of doctoral theses are deposited in the UOC's O2 Repository. Around 6,000 final projects for bachelor’s and master’s degrees are also available.
Information and Knowledge Society

Network and Information Technologies

Education and ICT (E-learning)

Learning resources
These include the teaching materials produced by the UOC, as well as the learning objects deposited by the UOC faculty (didactic modules, exercises, assessment activities, etc).

Computer science, multimedia and telecommunications

Psychology and educational sciences